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1. Astroimager (ASI178MC-Cool) captured image of the moon - check below.
QSI CCD driver,
Posted 02 May 2018 - 03:15 PM
Astrophotography with Mac OS X
DCD is a platform independent user interface for remote telescope and device control, compatible with the INDI standard.
Two asterisks ** means I have a current license and I use the
To visit our downloads page:
SharpCap 2 - Flexible image capturing software, records in raw, uncompressed files
Observation planning and telescope control. Highly recommended. Can communicate with Equinox.
Thank you!
INDIGO Server is backend counterpart for INDIGO clients in distributed environment. It is bundled with all available drivers (crossplatform and macOS specific). View details »
Xephem is a Motif based ephemeris and planetarium program for Unix-like operating systems.
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