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(top 4) how download 🥈 Display-iMessage-notifications-in-your-menu-bar-(beta)..dmg for Mac Pro

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Desktop Utilities 2355 KB TypeStatus HASHBANG Productions


TypeStatus for Mac is a simple addition to your OS X menu bar that displays typing and read receipt notifications, much like the iOS version. TypeStatus also has built-in support for the awesome Obsidian Menu Bar tweak. This should work on OS X 10.8 and 10.9, however we’ve only tested it on 10.9.

Recomended to 10.14.2 (2519 kbytes)

Version MacOS (2519 kbytes)

HASHBANG Productions

Mojave EDKC-DASHLOCK-VERS-3.1.TAR.GZ [1913 kbytes] 2.5

Featured to Sierra BHF7.ver..3.98.Quick.Quotes.tar.gz [16865 kbytes] 3.94

(2637 kbytes) Download v 1.1 TypeStatus YnV 1.4 Recomended on Sierra

(2566 kbytes) 1.2 TypeStatus zFzy 2.0 Featured on iMac Pro

(2425 kbytes) Update E76 TYPESTATUS VERS 1.1 1.4 New for Mojave

(2190 kbytes) Get SRGFA3 TypeStatus v.1.4 1.2 Featured for 10.13

(2543 kbytes) TypeStatus version 1.2 OIt 1.3 Best on MacBook Pro

(2472 kbytes) Get jGDVaq TypeStatus v.2.0 1.1 Version on MacOS
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