Main category,
Sub category, Productivity
Developer, Momenta B.V.
Filesize, 36864
Title, Agenda
Agenda 5.4
Take notes for what is currently on your agenda, while you prepare another for an upcoming meeting. Use older notes as breadcrumbs to remind yourself why you took the actions you did.
How to add location and travel time to events
The only thing I've noticed with the search function is that it seems to lag a bit while you type. I believe this is because the app has to go through all of your notes, which can be a more straining process if there are more notes in the collection. It's not a huge deal since the feature works as intended, but I just wish the typing was a bit smoother.
Agenda can import Agenda and Markdown files as well as Apple Notes. The first two types of imports worked well, but importing from the Apple Notes app comes with serious caveats. I imported 755 notes from Apple’s Notes app, which took about two minutes to complete. All of my notes were successfully imported with each folder transformed into an Agenda project, but the imported notes were text-only. None of the images or links with the Notes-style previews were imported. Because so many of the notes I have in Apple Notes include those things, the imported notes were of little use to me, so I deleted them almost immediately. Though not strictly an import issue, pasting Markdown text containing three consecutive dashes into a note crashes Agenda.
4 stars
Reminders for Alexa
Featured 10.11.5
for 10.13.4
Unclutter is for all of these. Move your mouse pointer to the top of your screen and scroll down, and Unclutter will show your clipboard history alongside a pane to drag files and jot down notes. Need to move something? Drag it to the top of your screen and drop it in Unclutter, then repeat that when you’re ready to drag it back out. Write notes in the text area—and sync them to Dropbox via Unclutter’s settings, if you’d like. It’s a handy place to keep all your in-progress files and ideas while you’re working, somewhere to manage your files and ideas while you're working.
1. Fantastical 2
Click “Capture” from the Grab menu, and choose “Screen.” Click anywhere on the screen to take a screenshot of your calendar page.
I'm so much more organized with my school work because of this! Plus, it gives you rewards for completing your homework. Could it get any better?
At first I wasn't sure about Agenda, but as I began to use it daily on my Mac, I was yearning for a version on my iPhone and iPad. Now that we have them, it's complete, and I've decided to use it full-time for organizing my important notes with deadlines. For quick captures, I still like to use Drafts.
To-do list for iPad
's calendar is appealing to people who need tools to help them stay organized, such as location-based reminders, a notification that reminds you to preview what's on your agenda at the beginning of each day, and the ability to add in travel time to any notification before an event. It's the app to choose if you need a lot of help staying organized with your day.
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W1pv v.2.0 Agenda 5.5 Spanish version
| 33914 KB | Full
AGENDA 2.6 EVILX 2.5.1 10.11
| 39444 KB | Free
1.2 Agenda wcR 4.0 Featured Sierra
| 38338 KB | Download
v9dVr Agenda vers.1.4 2.4 Updated! version
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version 5.5 Agenda GV6t7 2.0 Hindi version
| 42762 KB | Torrent
gaL2 v.2.1 Agenda 2.5.1 10.12.6
Best 10.14.1
GIFZ_1.6.3_SIZEMYPICS.DMG (2903 KB) 1.6.1
for OS X (3462 KB) 5.0