10240 KB Internet email@Scanner B&B Software Email
email@Scanner will scan messages from either an email server (POP), email files or one of several Mac email clients, selecting only those that satisfy given criteria. Data may then be extracted from anywhere within the selected email and may be further refined via the use of data filters and/or user-defined scripts. The resulting data may then be used to read or update a FileMaker or any ODBC compliant database. Finally, an optional 'notification' email may be constructed from a template message merged with data from the email and/or the associated database record and sent immediately or queued for later transmission.
The actions to be undertaken are controlled by scanning definitions. A scanning definition consists of a series of settings that together describe how email messages are selected, how and from where the data is extracted, how the data is used to maintain a database and finally, whether or not a notification email is to be sent, and if so how it is to be constructed.
When one or more scanning definitions have been created and tested they may then be processed. Processing a definition involves using the settings contained in the definition to direct the scanning of email messages, the extraction of data and the updating of the database and the possible transmission of notification email. A processing run may consist of the execution of one or more definitions, may be scheduled for immediate or future execution and may be run once or repeatedly at regular intervals.
N.B. Price is for an annual subscription, one-third of which the developer donates to WorldVisionAustralia.
Featured for iMac
2.2.1-email@Scanner-MTx.dmg | 10752 kbytes |
Best on Mojave
email@scanner-vers.4.1.1-dytz.zip | 8704 kbytes |
Best 10.12.5
GiC1s.version.2.1.5.email@Scanner.zip | 8908 kbytes |
Version on 10.14.2
vers.2.1.2_email@scanner_bsm.app | 10035 kbytes |
B&B Software
Updated to MacOS
2.1_MPLAB_X_IDE_p8jPz.pkg {271923 kb} 0.3
Version MacOS
Instant-Effect-1.2.3-Weacs.tar.gz {2703 kb} 1.1.2
(9830 KB) Update
1WFWOQ 2.1.5 email@Scanner 2.2.1 MacBook Pro
(8806 KB) Download
NTWO vers 2.4.1 email@Scanner 2.1.5 Updated on iMac
(10444 KB) Get
vers 2.1.2 email@Scanner 0bQ 2.2.1 for OS X
(10035 KB)
6Z7hW vers.2.1.5 email@Scanner 2.1.4 Recomended for OS X
(11673 KB) Get
email@Scanner vers.3.1.1 qLD 2.1.5 Version to El Captan