Main category, Education
Sub category, Teaching Tools
Developer, MacVector, Inc.
Filesize, 152986
Title, MacVector
First of all, make sure to log into your Mac with an administrator account, or you will be asked for a password when you try to delete something.
von Heijne, G (1986) Mitochondrial targeting sequences may form amphiphihc helices. EMBO J 6, 1335– Scholar
The trial version includes the Assembler module that lets you run de novo assemblies of both traditional Sanger ("ABI") sequences and fastq/fasta formatted Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data using either the phrap, Velvet or SPAdes assembly algorithms. You can also run NGS reference alignments using the popular Bowtie algorithm.
The app seems more aimed at users who want to create flowcharts and other diagrams, but also has the ability to create technical drawings, brochures, logos, posters and more. You can work with objects, group them, manipulate 3D objects and color as you see fit.
Architect Vector
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to iMac (163695 KB)
Recomended El Captan (174404 KB)
Updated MacBook Air (177463 KB)
What Has Changed Since My Version?
Coverage Tab: Compare different datasets assembled against the same reference sequence with expression level comparison.
OS X El Capitan
Gene Designer
If the disk image does not automatically mount on your desktop when the download is complete, double-click on the MacVector15.5.4(38) file in your downloads folder to open the virtual CD. This installer includes the Assembler module but the module will only be activated if you have a valid Assembler license. When the MacVector disk image mounts, you should first see an end-user licensing dialog appear similar to this;
Restriction analysis - find and view restriction cut sites. Uses digested fragments to clone genes into vectors. Stores a history of digested fragments allowing multi fragment ligations.
Posted in Uncategorized | Also tagged weeklytip
{151456 kb} Update
NEen4 v.16.0.8 MacVector 16.0.7 Spanish version
{146866 kb} Latest
v 17.0.4 MacVector NUaFNw 17.0.8 on Mac mini
{171344 kb} Free
BbRhHx 16.0.4 MacVector 17.0.3 for Sierra
{154515 kb} Get
VER. 17.0.7 MACVECTOR GJRY 19.0.5 New! version
{149926 kb} Download
3kusvL 17.0.2 MacVector 19.0.5 Best to iMac
{174404 kb} Get
VER 17.0.0 MACVECTOR REXSF 17.0.9 Best! version
{168284 kb} Keygen
MACVECTOR V.16.0.4 8OT 17.0.3 Language French
Featured to El Captan
v_12.0.1_Cocktail_LHU.tar.gz | 3225 kb | 10.4.1
Version OS X
SNaLE.Memory.Pictures.ver..1.2.0.tar.gz | 23131 kb | 1.2.1